
Fatima Ahsan, Taiyun Chi, Raymond Cho, Sameer A. Sheth, Wayne Goodman,
and Behnaam Aazhang, EMvelop stimulation: minimally invasive deep
brain stimulation using temporally interfering electromagnetic waves,
Journal of Neural Engineering, July 2022 [paper

Fatima Ahsan, Taiyun Chi, Raymond Cho, Sameer Anil Sheth, Wayne Goodman and Behnaam Aazhang, “ Non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulation using Electromagnetic Waves”, IEEE Asilomar 2020, Monterrey, CA, USA [paper]

Fatima Ahsan and M. Uppal, “Stalkers: Co-existing Nodes within Unlicensed WiFi Band”, IEEE WCNC 2018, Barcelona, Spain [paper]

Fatima Ahsan and Ashutosh Sabharwal, “Leveraging Massive MIMO Spatial Degrees of Freedom to Reduce Random Access Delay”, IEEE Asilomar 2017, Monterrey, CA, USA [paper]

Fatima Ahsan and K. M. Hasan “Seeker: Autonomous Maze-Navigating and Ball Potting Robot”, IEEE ICOSST 2015, Lahore, Pakistan [paper]

Fatima Ahsan and K. M. Hasan, “Gait Generation and Terrain Navigation Algorithm Design for a Self-Reconfigurable Robot”, IEEE RAEE 2015, Islamabad, Pakistan [paper]